Premium Queensland RacehorseSyndications

All Cheers For Tony Gollan As Amexed Takes Out A Win In The Caloundra Cup!

Written on the 4 July 2016

Tony Gollan was sipping mojitos in Bali when Amexed took out a win in the Caloundra Cup over the weekend. Sitting poolside and live streaming the race to his phone, onlookers glared as he started shouting at his mobile phone. Tony said, "People at the Beach Club were looking at me very strangely when I started cheering like a madman".

He went on to say, "To be honest, I thought he would win if he ran at his best and I wasn't worried about anything else in the race. He has had a stack of little things go wrong with him over the last couple of years but I always knew he had the ability. The mojitos are tasting even better now."

Gollan believes five year old Amexed is the best stayer that he has trained and seeing he has now won twice in a fortnight, he might just be right. Later this month, he is likely to move onto the Grafton Cup.

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