Premium Queensland RacehorseSyndications

Black Caviar's Second Offspring 'a lovely, well-balanced colt'

Written on the 21 July 2017

She was one of Australia's greatest gallopers and now Black Caviar's second foal, Prince of Caviar will be one to watch in the not-too-distant future.

The Sebring sired colt was born in September 2015 and is being trained by Team Hawkes.

Co-trainer Michael Hawkes says, "He's a lovely, well-balanced colt."

You may remember Black Caviar's first born, Oscietra, an Exceed And Excel filly, who made her debut at Flemington on New Year's Day with a 3rd placing at the 1000 metre New Year Plate. A great effort for her debut, although expectations were at an all-time-high for this 2yo, with hopes of producing another never-to-lose Black Caviar.

Although Hawkes is in no hurry to take Prince of Caviar to the races, he's certainly been doing eveything right in his education.

"Ignoring that he's a Black Caviar foal, putting him into the bracket of just being one of our babies - he does everything right, great attitude, moves well, he is a really nice colt," Hawkes said.

"He's been in the Rosehill stable to learn the system. He got to have a good look around and did everything right education wise."

Prince of Caviar will return to work in the coming weeks and continue his education process, but this time heading down to the Hawkes Racing stables at Flemington.

"New stable, new surroundings, it's all part of the education process we put our two-year-olds through," Hawkes said.

"I saw a video of him the other day at the farm and he looks really good, he's done well and really matured.

"We'll see how far he gets when he gets to the stables. We won't be in a rush with him, the owners are patient, a good group of clients that love their racing."

Black Caviar is now in foal to More Than Ready with a Snitzel filly born September last year.

(Photo: Black Caviar with Sebring colt - Photo source:

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