Premium Queensland RacehorseSyndications

Gibbo's Brissy Races for Tips & News

Written on the 14 October 2016

If you're looking for a site that features news, previews and tips in the racing industry, Gibbo's Brissy Races gives you the lowdown across the country.

States as not being a 'professional punter', Gibbo does go over each days' racing/replays and goes to all lengths to find up-coming winners, including hours of form, focussing mainly on the Brisbane area, as well as interviewing plenty of the main players to keep everyone up-to-date with all the latest news and information.

Gibbo grew up attending the races in his local area of the Gold Coast and Murwillimbah, where his family and close friends always had horses racing at some stage or another. This is where he learnt and fell in love with the racing trade.

He certainly has a passion for the racing industry and is keen to help participants where possible. His passion and interest in the racing industry started years ago as a school kid doing the form after school, and weekends were always top of his list. Through friends and family racing horses, Gibbo came to realise how many different people and characters are involved in many different aspects of the racing game. He feels his website appeals to all people in the industry and shares different points of views/opinions. He hopes to help as many people in the industry as he can along the way, including a focus on stables or jockeys making their way through the ranks and doing the 'One On One' articles on his site.

As he says, many people are time poor and his site is a way for people with an interest to check in each day for a best bet or latest news.

Terry Robinson from Team Thoroughbreds regularly follows Gibbo's site for great tips and latest news in the industry.

You can check out Gibbo's Brissy Races for yourself at:

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